Thursday, June 14, 2012

360 Fun

For those people interested in making cool 360 videos check out GoPano, . The GoPano gadget is essentially a mirror that takes video on a circle to allow for a 360 picture. The more pixels the camera has, the better the clarity on the video. The gadget can attach to a camera or an iphone 4.

It works better with the iPhone 4s than the 4 because the 4s has more pixel density. The product should also benefit from the expected popularity of the iPhone 5. The 360 video has a number of use cases because it is truly interactive video. Included is an example:

The user has to react to move around the video and get a different view. It can be used potentially in a number ways:

• In commercials where Easter eggs or other promotions can be found

• In a video story or game were the user can go in a different plot line or area depending on the direction  the user moves around the video.

• To view sports on TV or in the stadium from a different view.  A certain player or area of the field can be focused on.  In addtion, it can create video replays from any angle for a referee.

• To view bands or other types of live entertainment where the user can focus on any place or performer on the video.

The really great aspect of this gadget is that it costs $80 so it is very affordable. People and businesses can experiment on how to best use this type of video for fun or to promote a brand or both. A number of consumer product brands have purchased and given out to product managers and marketing executives to try out and come up with ideas.